This is another revenge plot, just like
Mega Man 2—only instead of building new robots, Dr. Wily resurrects previous Robot Masters.
This was the first Mega Man game for the Game Boy. Its actual name is just “Mega Man” with a subtitle: “Dr. Wily’s Revenge.” (Yeah, nothing that hasn’t happened before!) The first three Game Boy games were like that: no real plots, just a game to play. The first four games took Robot Masters from various of the Nintendo series of games, which is kind of interesting because you can see how well Crash Bombs work on Hard Man and so forth. Also, story-wize, it’s probably a lot easier for Dr. Wily to build robots from existing plans than to come up with schematics from scratch.
I surprise myself with this order, but in this Game Boy version, Elec Man seems to have tamed down a little while Cut Man is nastier than ever. One of the hardest things about fighting robots in the Game Boy games is the huge characters. You have very little room to maneuver.
Note: you will always acquire the item
Carry from the last Robot Master you fight.
There are teleporting hatches here, but they don’t take you to the same Robot Masters as you’d previously fought. You didn’t think there were only four Robot Masters in the game, did you?
This will take you to Wily’s castle.
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I like the ending music to this game—it has been one of my all-time favorites (but then, I have a lot of favorites). First you see the space fort (almost all of the Game Boy games have one) blow up, and a space shuttle flies out just in time. You don’t know who is on the shuttle (Wily or Mega Man), but the next thing you see is Mega Man standing in front of a star background. (This time it’s a close-up view of Mega Man instead of the usual running sprite. Pretty nice for a four-frame walk and a low resolution.) The game shows names and images of robot enemies, and when it’s done Mega Man starts to walk. The background fades in—he’s apparently in that space shuttle after all. He walks to a window where he can see his planet and stops. The background fades out and is replaced with the closing “Presented by Capcom” phrase.