Armored Armadillo
Launch Octopus
Chill Penguin
Flame Mammoth
Storm Eagle
Spark Mandrill
Sting Chameleon
Boomer Kuwanger

Note: Important notes regarding the fireball:
  • To actually keep the fireball with a password, you must input the flagged password and hold down L, R, X, and Down while you press Start. Otherwise the game ignores the fireball flag.
  • Even when you possess the fireball you cannot fire it unless you have 8 Heart Tanks.
  • At least on the original SNES, if you throw the fireball when you do not have all of the armor enhancements, X’s sprite disappears while shooting.
  • It’s possible and very likely that the fireball code only works in the original SNES version of the game.
Coded by XFox Prower.
Additional scripts provided by jim.
Fireball information provided by Akuma_APN.

Please do not copy this from here to another site. If you wish to have a password generator, just link to here. Thanks!